EMS Perfect Shape:

Unlock Your Body's Potential

About EMS Perfect Shape

Body Sculpting Beverly Hills
EMS Perfect Shape Beverly Hills

At Skin Rehab Beverly Hills, we are excited to introduce EMS Perfect Shape, a revolutionary fitness treatment designed to elevate your workout routine to new heights. EMS, which stands for Electro-Muscle Stimulation, is at the forefront of modern fitness techniques, and EMS Perfect Shape takes it to the next level.

This cutting-edge system employs electrical impulses to stimulate your muscles, enhancing muscle contractions and promoting efficient, targeted muscle training. EMS Perfect Shape is ideal for those seeking an effective and time-efficient workout, as it significantly reduces the time required for traditional gym sessions while delivering remarkable results.

Whether you're looking to build strength, tone your body, or improve overall fitness, EMS Perfect Shape can help you achieve your wellness goals. Our experienced therapists will tailor the sessions to your specific needs, ensuring a safe and effective fitness journey.

Single 30-minute session - $222

Package of 6 - $1110 (save $222)

Package of 12 - $2109 (save $555)

Electro Muscle Stimulation Beverly Hills

Explore the Benefits

  • Muscle Toning

  • Fat Reduction

  • Improved Core Strength

  • Time Efficiency

  • Non-Invasive and Painless

  • Quick Results

  • Fully Customizable

Curious if this treatment is the ideal match for you?

We offer a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation to explore your unique body goals, answer any questions you may have, and develop a customized plan designed just for you.

Best Candidates
for Treatment

  • Individuals who are already relatively fit but want to enhance muscle definition or address stubborn areas of localized fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

  • Mothers who want to restore and strengthen their core muscles after pregnancy and tone the abdominal area.

  • Athletes or fitness enthusiasts who want to achieve greater muscle development and strength.

  • People with hectic schedules who struggle to find time for frequent and rigorous workouts.

  • Individuals who prefer non-surgical and non-invasive body sculpting solutions that do not require downtime or recovery.

  • EMS Perfect Shape is highly effective at strengthening core muscles, which can be particularly beneficial for those with back pain or posture issues.


  • • Pregnancy

    • Implanted medical devices

    • Active infections

    • Severe health conditions

    • Hernia in the treatment area

    • Recent surgical procedures

    • Skin conditions like eczema or dermatitis

    • Epilepsy

  • The EMS technology used in the treatment is designed to provide muscle stimulation without causing discomfort or pain. The intensity of the electrical impulses can be adjusted to your preference, ensuring that you feel at ease throughout the session.

    Here's what you can expect:

    • You will feel strong and intense muscle contractions in the targeted area. These contractions may feel like intense muscle contractions during a workout. Some people may find these contractions uncomfortable, while others may describe them as tolerable.

    • Along with muscle contractions, you may experience sensations of tapping, tingling, or a pulsing feeling in the treated area. These sensations are typically not painful but can be surprising if you're not familiar with the treatment.

    • Some individuals report feeling a warming or heating sensation in the treated area, especially as the muscles contract. This is a common response to the electromagnetic energy used in EMS Perfect Shape.

    • After the treatment, it's common to experience some muscle soreness in the treated area, similar to the soreness you might experience after a challenging workout. This soreness typically resolves within a day or two.

  • EMS Perfect Shape doesn't require a recovery period. You can usually resume your regular activities immediately after a session.

    While you may experience some muscle soreness, similar to what you might feel after an intense workout, this discomfort is typically mild and short-lived. It doesn't usually prevent you from going about your daily routine.

  • The number of EMS Perfect Shape sessions required to see noticeable results can vary depending on individual factors, including your starting point, body composition, and specific goals. However, many individuals begin to see some improvement after just a few sessions. Typically, a full treatment course consists of multiple sessions scheduled over several weeks.

    For muscle toning and improved definition, most practitioners recommend a series of 6 to 12 sessions, with each session being spaced a few days or a week apart.

    For fat reduction, you may need more sessions, often in the range of 12 to 18 sessions, with the potential for additional sessions if necessary.

    While you may start noticing changes after a few sessions, the most dramatic and long-lasting results typically become apparent a few weeks after completing the full treatment course.

  • To prepare for your treatment, please follow these guidelines:

    · Staying well-hydrated is important. Dehydration can affect the effectiveness of the treatment, so make sure you are adequately hydrated in the days leading up to your session.

    · Please avoid any food consumption 1 hour before and 1 hour after the treatment.

    · Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to your treatment session. This will allow your provider to place the EMS Perfect Shape device on your skin more easily.

    · Remove any jewelry, accessories, or clothing items that could interfere with the treatment, especially in the area being targeted. Metal objects may interfere with the electromagnetic energy used in EMS Perfect Shape.

    · Ensure the treatment area is clean and free of lotions, oils, or creams. Your skin should be free from any substances that could create a barrier between the EMS device and your skin.

    · It is not recommended to engage in strenuous physical activity 24 hours before or after the session.

  • • Drink plenty of water after the treatment. Proper hydration supports the elimination of waste products from the body and can enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.

    • Engage in light physical activities like walking to help alleviate any muscle soreness you may experience. Avoid high-intensity workouts for a day or two following the treatment.

    • Maintain a balanced diet with a focus on nutritious foods. A diet rich in protein can support muscle recovery and growth. Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption for a few days.

    • Gentle massage and stretching of the treated area can help alleviate muscle soreness and improve blood circulation.

    • EMS Perfect Shape is most effective when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle.

    • Depending on your treatment plan, you may have follow-up sessions to achieve and maintain your desired results. Attend these appointments as scheduled.

    • Keep in mind that results from EMS Perfect Shape may take some time to fully manifest. Initial improvements are common within a few weeks, with continued progress over several months.